
Performance Details

Jun 21 2024 to Jun 22 2024
The Fringe Club, Fringe Dairy; The Wanch

Reserve your spot @ The Wanch
Friday, June 21
Reserve your spot @ The Wanch Friday, June 21

Reserve your spot @The Fringe Club Dairy
Saturday, June 22
Reserve your spot @The Fringe Club Dairy Saturday, June 22

Nelly (born 10.6.2001) started her singing and acting carreer when she was 13 years old. Since then she has released an EP (V okamžiku) and several songs in both czech and english. She performed on two tours with Michal Hrůza and Ewa Farna as a support.

You may even know her from the Czech movies - Špunti na vodě (Over Water), Andílci za školou, Přijela pouť, Pohádky pro Emu (Fairy Tales for Emma), etc. She also acts in musicals - Rebelové (Rebels), Láska nebeská ( Love Actually), Kvítek mandragory, Okno mé lásky, Ostrov pokladů (Treasure Island), Muž se železnou maskou (The Man in the Iron Mask), etc.

Nelly(出生於2001年6月10日),由13歲起開始了她的歌唱及演藝生涯。期後她發行了一張專輯 (V okamžiku) 以及幾首捷克語和英語歌曲。她作為表演嘉賓與 Michal Hrůza 和 Ewa Farna 一起參加了兩次巡演。

你甚至可能透過捷克電影認識她 - Over Water、Andílci za školou、Přijela pouť、Fairy Tales for Emma 等。還有她出演的音樂劇 - Rebels、 Love Actually、Treasure Island、The Man in the Iron Mask 等。

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安哲逸 Andy Schaub


With the participation of

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