MouseFX 阿鼠流動音效

Performance Details

Jun 21 2024
The Wanch

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• In Hong Kong, the name ‘MouseFX’ is synonymous with Cantonese Reggae, as the Hong Kong-based singer-songwriter combines the essence of the ‘music of love and humanity’ with his mother tongue. Active in the local scene since 1990s, MouseFX started out in historical reggae bands including Sensi Lion, before going solo in 2015. True to the Rastafarian spirit, his music addresses to the values of love, humanity and justice – especially in the context of Hong Kong.

• Over the years, MouseFX has shared his signature sound across South China and beyond, with performances at events such as One Love Reggae & Ska Festival (UK), SONAR Hong Kong, Clockenflap, Wow & Flutter, Hong Kong International Reggae Ska Festival and AnBeng Reggae Beach Festival (Vietnam). Besides frequent crossovers with Heavy Hong Kong, MouseFX has also worked with prominent figures in the likes of JStar (UK), DeDuBros (Italy), House of Riddim (Austria), Jiang Liang Sound(China), Papaugee (Japan), and I Kong(Jamaica) etc ...

• 香港唱作音樂人MouseFX 阿鼠以「雷鬼廣東歌」而見稱,其原創歌曲結合 Roots Reggae 及其母語廣東話,貫徹這種源自牙買加的音樂所宣揚的大愛 與人文精神。阿鼠自90年代開始活躍於本地獨立音樂界,曾組織Sensi Lion 等幾支雷鬼樂隊,另外在2015年開始以「MouseFX阿鼠流動音效」名義進行 個人創作。

• 多年來,阿鼠的雷鬼說唱響遍南中國和海外各地,曾於英國 One Love Reggae & Ska Festival、香港 SONAR、Clockenflap、Wow & Flutter 本 地薑音樂節及越南 AnBeng Reggae Beach Festival等音樂節演出。除了與 Heavy Hong Kong合作無間,阿鼠亦積極與本地和海外音樂人合作,當中包 Jstar (英國) 、  DeDuBros (意大 利) 、 House of Riddim (奧地利)、Jiang Liang Sound(中國)、Papaugee (日本)、和 I Kong(牙買加)等。

• 2019年2月在牙買加期間,阿鼠獲當地唱片公司Skunga Records 邀請,灌錄一系列廣東話/牙式英語雷鬼作品,EP於2020年9月4日以12"黑膠唱片推出。

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