Performance Details

Jun 22 2024
The Fringe Club, Fringe Dairy

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Conceived in 2020 during the pandemic by front- person/bassist Kelsey and then joined by drummer Underdog and guitarist Sariana, Hong Kong's own noisy-punk outfit KVYLE wasted no time to mark their industrious, grungy, DIY presence with debut EP 'ambition', co-produced with Zubin Isaac (of Four Quarters).

Their debut studio EP ambition may contain "stellar examples of shoegaze punk (abitoflove) and slick, gothic stoner rock (hiding)", however, the band shines with their intense live sets, influenced by loud and chaotic punk acts like Metz and Boris, as well as the spirit and political consciousness of riot grrrl and queer punk bands. Rooted in "tasty bass riffs" and hard- hitting drums caked with noise and feedback, KVYLE captivates audiences near and far; from their local Hong Kong scene, all the way to Europe and the UK.


香港noisy punk樂隊KVYLE,無論走到哪裏,都是響亮而驕傲的。


而後,樂隊於2022年發布了電子工業風格的EP《ambition》。EP中收錄了四首歌曲,包括首發單曲 “abitoflove”和另外三首歌曲,此外還有一首demo和其中兩首歌的另類混音版本。這張EP由Zubin Isaac (來自Four Quarters樂隊) 與樂隊一起製作了前四首歌曲,將黑暗而尖銳的聲音融入到音軌之中。Underground HK的Gould Wilson形容這張專輯的製作價值時稱贊道,「……骯髒、密匝、嘈雜,但又絲絲入扣」。為了響應這首七首曲目的發行,樂隊很快展開了一場小型英國巡演和兩場歐洲巡演,把他們的粗礪、不和諧和喧囂帶到異國他鄉。

隨著結他手 Sariana 的加入,在 KVYLE 的聲音特徵中可以聽到西方和亞洲後朋克/噪音樂隊的影子 – 試想 Metz 和 Boris - 同時也在很大程度上受到 riot grrrl 和酷兒朋克樂隊的理念、品格及政治意識的啟發和影響。總而言之,樂隊希望從香港本地的地下音樂圈子開始,作為社會中被邊緣化和代表性不足的群體的一員而發聲。

繼 2023 年夏天的德國巡演之後,KVYLE 目前正沉浸在創作新音樂的過程中。他们的新作品將於2024年夏季問世,樂隊也將隨之展開巡演

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