Jazz Lambaux

Performance Details

Jun 21 2024 to Jun 22 2024
The Fringe Club, Fringe Dairy; The Wanch

Reserve your spot @The Wanch
Friday, June 21
Reserve your spot @The Wanch Friday, June 21

Reserve your spot @The Fringe Club Dairy
Saturday, June 22
Reserve your spot @The Fringe Club Dairy Saturday, June 22

Jazz Lambaux is a composer and performer currently based in Paris, France.

Refusing to choose between instrumental composition and pop music, he collaborates with breton piper Enora Morice and melts the bagpipes with heavily computer-processed sounds and vocals. He performed multiple times in Europe and the USA, sharing the stage with Agar Agar, Lewis Ofman, John Zorn, Otto Benson, Glasser and Tredici Bacci.

His first album will be released in June 2024, and he will open for A. G. Cook in New York City on May 2nd.

Jazz Lambaux
,作曲家和演奏家,目前居住在法國巴黎。 他拒絕在純樂器創作和流行音樂之間做出選擇,與布列塔尼風笛手 Enora Morice 合作,融化了風笛以及具有經過大量電腦處理的聲音和人聲。他多次在歐洲和美國演出,與 Agar Agar、Lewis Ofman 、John Zorn、Otto Benson、Glasser 以及 Tredici Bacci 同台。 他的第一張專輯將於 2024 年 6 月發行,他將於 5 月 2 日在紐約為 A. G. Cook 開場。

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Alien, CD case : Frederic Exner

With the participation of

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