Performance Details

Jun 17 2023
The Fringe Club, Fringe Underground

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XSGACHA uses the beats of boom bap and trip hop as the roots of writing, using rhythm to describe life experiences between speaking and singing.

They collaborate with producers, artists, and recording studios from different communities. Each beat is a fragment of preferences from different periods, attempting to piece together every day that slips away and present one of our impressions in our minds like stained glass on a church.

During the pandemic, Lilly & Treasure Autumn spent their time in their rooms like putting together puzzles, and then selected eight songs as their debut album called "No Shape". Feel free to savor and listen, or turn up the volume for an impromptu mini-private party, so that everything that has solidified can change, showcasing both the real and the illusory.

XSGACHA 以 boom bap 和 trip hop 的節奏作為創作的根基,運用節奏來描述說唱和歌唱之間的生活經歷。


在疫情期間,Lilly和Treasure Autumn在房間裡度過時間,像拼圖一樣拼湊出了八首歌曲,作為他們的首張專輯《No Shape》的面世。你可以盡情品味和聆聽,或者放大音量舉辦一場即興的小型私人派對,讓一切已經凝固的東西都能改變,展現現實和虛幻的兩面。

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