Heidi Li Quartet

Performance Details

Jun 19 2022
<span>04:00 PM</span> to <span>04:30 PM</span>
The Box, Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District

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From regional folk songs in various Italian dialects, to songs by icons such as Mina and Battisti...Hong Kong born Italy trained Jazz vocalist Heidi Li will be bringing you on a journey in Italy through music, together with pianist Bowen Li, bassist Justin Siu and Drummer Samuel Chan.

從來自不同省份的民歌到著名的流行曲目,香港出生、在意大利受訓的爵士歌手李愷怡選擇 了她最喜歡的意大利歌曲,聯同本地鋼琴手李梓禾、大提琴手蕭偉中和鼓手陳衍光,用音樂帶 大家遊走意國。

Supported by

Heidi Li 李愷怡: Vocals 人聲

Heidi Li is a Hong Kong born Italy trained Jazz vocalist, singing teacher and composer. She grew up with a Cantonese opera background under her parents’ influence. After having lived in Canada, the UK and France, she had been living in Italy for more than 8 years, where she completed a degree in Vocal Jazz Performance at Siena Jazz University. With her thesis titled “Xiqu meets Jazz: The possibilities of incorporating musical structures and expressions of Cantonese Opera in Jazz”, she graduated with the full marks of 110.

With her project “Heidi Sings Italian Dialects”, she was invited by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to sing at the 2016 States General of the Italian Language in the World in Florence. In 2022, with the support of the Italian Cultural Institute Hong Kong & Macau, she recorded and published a new album of the same project. In recent years she continues to perform, produce and teach across Europe and Asia in a variety of events such as the Italian National Day Concert (HK), Hangzhou Jazz On the Lake Festival (CN), and Salento Film Festival (IT) and Freespace Jazz Festival (HK).

Heidi Li 李愷怡

李愷怡是香港土生土長的爵士創作歌手。自小受父母薰陶下學習粵劇粵曲,11歲時在香港無線電視的粵曲霸主挑戰賽中得到冠軍。曾留學加拿大,英國及法國。隨後定居意大利,在錫耶納爵士大學(Siena Jazz University)攻讀爵士歌唱學位,憑論文”中國戲曲和爵士的結合:廣東粵曲音樂結構和表達在爵士樂的應用”以110分滿分畢業。 2016年10月憑著《Heidi Sings Italian Dialects》計劃得到意大利外交部賞識以及邀請,在佛羅倫斯舊宮舉行的States General of the Italian Language in the World獻唱。2022年得到駐香港及澳門意大利文化處支助,以同灌錄及推出此計劃的大碟。 近年李氏繼續活躍於國內外的表演、創作和教學活動,其中包括意大利國慶日演奏會(香港)、杭州爵士文旅音樂節(杭州)、薩蘭托國際電影節(意大利)和自由爵士音樂節(香港)等等。

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Bowen Li Tsz-wo 李梓禾 : Piano 鋼琴

Bowen Li is a jazz pianist and composer. He graduated from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, majored in jazz performance and composition.

During his time in the UK, Li performed with various groups as a jazz pianist. With the Traditional Jazz Ensemble on the main show of renowned jazz venue Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club in London, and led his own group and as a sideman performing in jazz venues such as the Vortex, Olivers, Blackheath Halls, The Crown, Up the Creek, Buster Mantis...

Li composes music for solo instruments and small to medium ensembles, with settings ranging from pop, rock, funk to traditional and contemporary jazz music. He led his own group Jack Fish, Bowen Li’s Quartet to perform his original music.

Bowen Li Tsz-wo 李梓禾

李梓禾畢業於Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance爵士鋼琴系。自2018年,他積極和不同音樂家和藝術團體合作:包括無極樂團、瞬樂團和中英劇團等等。

除表演以外,李氏亦是一位作曲家。他的作品曾收録在西九龍文化區的《Freespace Mixtape Vol. 3》,亦為南豐紗廠《慢一天流浪團》創作及錄製三首鋼琴獨奏曲。

Justin Siu 蕭偉中 :Doublebass 大提琴

Justin Siu is a multi-disciplinary musician. While he obtained his M.A. in computer science from the University of Cambridge, ironically under a music award, his real pursuit for music did not begin until he picked up the double bass. His new course soon brought him acclaim as a jazz bassist, having collaborated with many renowned local and foreign jazz artists, and paved the way for his pioneering vision of creative projects.


Justin Siu 蕭偉中

Samuel Chan 陳衍光 :Drums 鼓

Samuel Chan graduated from Hong Kong Education University as the first jazz major student in the programme under the guidance of local jazz guru Ted Lo. After his graduation from HKEdU, he moved to New York City and earned a merit scholarship to attend the prestigious Drummers Collective. Since his return in 2016, Samuel has become one of the most in-demand drummers in Hong Kong. He had been frequently invited to perform with Local Jazz icons Eugene Pao, Ted Lo and Teriver Cheung, as well as internationally renowned artists such as Eric Marienthal, Barry Finnerty, Dayna Stephens and Sam Minaie.

Samuel Chan 陳衍光

自六歲起學習鋼琴,十四歲開始打鼓。早年入讀香港教育學院音樂系,取得榮譽學士學位。在學時師隨著名爵士鋼琴家TedLo,並取得該院校優秀演奏藝術證書。畢業後考取獎學金入讀紐約著名音樂學院 The Collective School of Music。陳氏於2016回港,隨即成為本地其中一位最活躍的爵士樂鼓手,經常獲邀與爵士樂大師包以正和羅尚正等同台演出,並與訪港國際級爵士樂手包括Eric Marienthal、Barry Finnerty,Dayna Stephens 及 Sam Minaie 等合作。

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